Today the CSFF is touring:
WhooHOO! Another great book by Ms. Paul. I was blown away by her original Dragaon Series and the new series is just as exciting.
Vanishing Sculptor's story is based in Chiril on the opposite side of the continent from Amara. Chiril has no knowledge of Wulder the Creator and it's land destined to finally hear the truth. There's a fantastic new cast of questers, along with a few favorites - like Wizard Fenworth and his trusty librarian Librettowitt. As always the dragons tend to steal the show, the minor dragaons have always been my favorites, but major or minor, the personalities presented are so much fun.

Vegetable Garden Illustration by Rachael Selk
I don't like to give too much away so I'm just going to say, young or old, read it. If you enjoy fantasy that keeps you turning pages into the wee hours of the morning with a tale of discovery, faith and excitement, this is the book for you.
I mean let's face it, it's a Donit K. Paul book, how can you go wrong?

The task is too huge for one person, so she gathers the help of some unlikely companions--including the nearly five-foot tall parrot Beccaroon--and eventually witnesses the loving care and miraculous resources of Wulder. Through Tipper’s breathtaking story, readers will discover the beauty of knowing and serving God.

She mentors all ages, teaching teenagers and weekly adult writing workshops.
“God must have imprinted 'teacher' on me clear down to the bone. I taught in public school, then home schooled my children, and worked in private schools. Now my writing week isn’t very productive unless I include some time with kids.”
Her two grown children make her proud, and her two grandsons make her laugh.
Be sure to visit the other tour members for more reviews and info:
Brandon Barr
Jim Black
Justin Boyer
Rachel Briard
Karri Compton
Amy Cruson
CSFF Blog Tour
Stacey Dale
D. G. D. Davidson
Jeff Draper
Karina Fabian
Linda Gilmore
Todd Michael Greene
Katie Hart
Ryan Heart
Becky Jesse
Cris Jesse
Jason Joyner
Carol Keen
Krystine Kercher
Dawn King
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Eve Nielsen (posting later in the week)
John W. Otte
Lyn Perry
Crista Richey
Cheryl Russell
Chawna Schroeder
James Somers
Speculative Faith
Rachel Starr Thomson
Robert Treskillard
Steve Trower
Fred Warren
Dona Watson
Phyllis Wheeler
Elizabeth Williams
KM Wilsher
Nice post! I love the way you described the setting. What a talented author Mrs. Paul is!
Thanks, April, and I really, really appreciate that you didn't give away plot points. That's a sure fire way to bring an author's blood to a rolling boil. I'm glad you liked the book, and I can tell you The Wandering Artist is turning out to be great fun.
I like the fact that you give us your view of the book right up front, April. That lets your visitors know how much they want to look further. I like the fact that you also compared this with Donita's other books. Her fans can then know this is another one they'll like.
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