Song Stuck on the Brain: Circle of Life from Lion King
Well, I finally did it. I've been growing my hair out to donate to Locks of Love for a while now. It was finally long enough last August, but my stay in the hospital damaged the ends and I had to chop 5 inches and start over. It's been 9 and half months and it was definitely time. It was starting to drive me nuts. I kept leaning back trapping my hair, or rolling it up in the car window. Not fun. I don't usually wear it any longer than around my shoulder blades.
I have had short hair before, but it's not been this short since I graduated highschool, 13 years ago. My co worker told me that my new hair cut took 10 years off of me. I replied, "Good grief! How old did you think I looked before?!" She assured me that I now look 17. I'm not buying it, but it's nice to hear. :)

My hair was just a few inches above my waist.

Locks of Love requires a minimum of ten inches.

Becky cut a little more than 10".
I really like my new cut, it's going to take some practice on the styling end, but I'm happy.
If you or anyone you know would like to donate hair for kids with cancer, check out Locks of Love.
My daughter has done this two times now, and that's a wonderful way to minister. And your shorter style looks great on you, April!
I could probably grow my hair out for 9 years and not get 10" :)
that's so great that you did that. I have had several friends kids do that.
Thanks, ladies! It was a fun experience. If I can put up with the super long hair again, maybe one of these days I'll do it again.
So proud of you for doing this!!! I did this once with Lisa but, I'm not 100% sure she actually sent it.
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