This week I'm giving away a copy of Up Pops the Devil by Angela Benson, but along with each book given away this month, there will be a suprise! Who knows, you could get a cd or t-shirt or a bonus book... anything could happen.

Interested? Good. Click on the book icon in the top of the sidebar to email me your entry. As a bonus, for every comment you leave on this weeks blog posts, you'll earn an extra entry in the drawing.
This contest is open to US and Canadian residents only and ends at midnight on Sunday, November 9th.
Good Luck!
Hey, the picture on the book cover looks great. I don't know what the book is about yet but plan to find out. Thanks for the contest and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, APRIL!!
Pam Williams
cepjwms at yahoo dot com
Ooops, Projecting A's birthday, not yours, April! Right? Sorry I read it wrong the first time.
LOL, actually it's both mine and Projecting A's birthday month. I didn't plan it that way, it just ended up as a happy accident. :)
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