You can't read this book and NOT have it run in your head for days. :) Good thing it's a song I enjoy.
What a fun step back in time. It's almost astounding how innocent Hollywood seemed in the 50's compared to now. Wouldn't it be nice to have more Bobby Conrad and Johnny Hartman's around now - famous or not.
Debbie's determination to save her father and Sweet Sal's, and find true love with a movie star is both quaintly naive and admirable at the same time. Something that probably wouldn't have even been believable in any other setting or time period, but in Love Me Tender, it works and it works really well. The romance is sweet. The characters' faith and trust in Jesus to lead them to the right one to love is a great example of what we should still expect today. There's nothing wrong with naivety, innocence, and sweet romance. I wish we found more of it in the 21st century.
Janice made me long for a time period I wasn't even alive to experience and she did it by pulling in great classic songs and movies (Like Elvis and Roman Holiday, an all time favorite), fashion, and history. (Imagine! Someday gas could cost 50 cents a gallon! Oh, if Debbie's father could see us today!)
Love Me Tender is a fun, lighthearted romp through a decade precariously balanced on that edge of no return. It has a strong message of faith and purpose soundly wrapped in classic rock and chocolate malts. Enjoy!
As "Love Me Tender" plays in the background, Debbie Carmichael determines to salvage her family's restaurant, Sweet Sal's Soda Shoppe, when her father's health fails. Teen heartthrob Bobby Conrad agrees to perform at a fundraiser concert. But just two weeks before the highly publicized event, Bobby backs out of the benefit. Enter Johnny Hartman, a young, unknown singer to take Conrad's place. Debbie soon realizes the twists and turns leading up to the concert are divinely orchestrated. And it isn't dreamy Bobby Conrad who has stolen her heart - but the tender love of Johnny Hartman.
If you would like to read the first chapter of Love Me Tender, go HERE.

She was thrilled to be named the 2010 Barbour/Heartsong Author of the Year with three books on the top ten list for that house. Janice is active in her local writing group, where she regularly teaches on the craft of writing. Her online course, "Becoming a Successful Freelance Writer" has been helpful to many who want to earn a living with their writing. Janice is passionate about her faith and does all she can to share the joy of the Lord with others, which is why she particularly enjoys writing. She lives in Spring, Texas, where she leads a rich life with her family, a host of writing friends and two mischievous dachshunds. She does her best to keep the Lord at the center of it all.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. I had a blast writing it. (Can you imagine the research?) Also, Laguna Beach is a place that's near and dear to my heart, so how exciting, to place a story there!
Thanks for stopping by Janice. I imagine the research took way more effort than it seemed. You made it look effortless. :) I've yet to see the ocean, being a landlocked midwesterner like Johnny Hartman, but I'd love to visit Laguna Beach. It sounded beautiful.
I was curious the other day and was going to stop by and see you and Nancy in the caves. I was completely shocked to see that the place was locked up (as well as the printers next door??!!) and looked completely deserted! Did you guys move or did the company shut it doors? I have Nancy on my Facebook, but haven't spoken to her or heard anything from her for over a year now. Just curious!
Susan (Pearce)
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