YAY!!! (Doing Snoopy's happy dance) Shanna Swendson's latest book Damsel Under Stress is in stores today. Even better, I got lucky and my pre-ordered book arrived three days early. I finished it last night and let me tell ya... I'm on pins and needles now for the next one.
Shanna's first book Enchanted, Inc. introduced us to Katie. A girl from Texas trying to make it in New York City without killing her boss, Evil Mimi. New York City is just a strange town, and that surely explained all the weird stuff she was seeing - like people with wings, right? Wrong! Katie learns that magic is real and she's an immune. A rare gift that allows her to be completely immune to magic, spells and enchantments. Soon she's leaving Evil Mimi behind for a new job with MSI, a magic company led by Merlin himself. She's also finding a whole new group of friends. Owen, the shy, super powerful wizard, that's hotter than a movie star. Trix and Ari, fun and flirty Fairy's (turns out those wings are real.) and Sam the gargoyle, head of Security. It's a wild new world where Katie learns her normal-ness is actually a great gift.

My Take:
I love this series. Wait, let me try that again... I. LOVE. THIS. SERIES. Shanna has quickly become one of my favorite writers. Not only because she's a good writer, but because she's a good writer with fantastic stories. I also think she has a little magical ability herself, because somehow she got into my brain, found the file marked "Perfect Man" and created Owen just for me. :) The books are creative mesh of fantasy, chick lit and modern day fairy tale. What more could you ask for?
Umm, the next book please?
How about a movie contract for Ms. Swendson?
How awesome would that be? I'd love to see a movie series made just like they've done for the Harry Potter books. I can see it so clearly....
In the mean time... what are you waiting for? Go get these books! Then be sure to let me know what you think of them.
For more fun stuff visit Shanna's blog for news, read an Interview with Heroine Katie Chandler, and read an interview with Shanna herself.
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