Thursday, September 28, 2006


Just a little announcement for you all. I've just joined the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance and FIRST (Fiction In Rather Short Takes). Both groups give me the opportunity to review some really great fiction, interview authors and offer free books as prizes. I'm really excited to be a part of both.

Be sure to stay tuned for your chance to win and check out the links on the side bar to see our current cycle of books and bloggers.

Also, I asked a little while ago what kind of things you like to read about on this blog. Some of you wanted to see some of my writing and I've been glad to share that. So far it's been personal essays, but I do have some 'book bites' from my own novels that I'll post as well. The important thing is to keep this site fun and interesting, so if you see something you like, let me know. And if there's something you want to see me blog about (withing reason of course), let me know that too. On the flip side, if you see something you hate, keep it to yourself. No, just kidding. I want to know that too. :)

I may be Projecting A, but in the end it's all about U.



Tricia Goyer said...

Welcome to the group! I'm glad you've joined the BORG . . . uh, the alliance :-)

April Erwin said...

Thanks, Tricia! :)