Yippee!!! It's finally Friday! This week has felt three times longer than normal. But it's Friday and I have a whole weekend ahead of me.
I'm starting it off with a haircut... finally. It's been months and I keep putting it off. My hair is down to my waist now and I'm really wanting to keep as much length as possible, but since I also have super fine hair, I have to layer it to keep it from looking terribly flat. I chose these two pictures to take with me to the stylist. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on the outcome.

Saturday we'll be celebrating both my father's and my niece's birthdays. Dad is turning 64 and Allie is turning 8. They're having a joint birthday party and I don't think Dad will mind a bit. He's such a big kid at heart. An eternal tease. Allie-gator thinks it's very cool to be sharing her party, too. She asked me the other day if I had bought her a birthday present. I said, "What do you think?" She paused, put a finger to her chin and said, "hmmm. Yeah?" I said, "Duh. Of course I bought you one." She just beamed. Such a cutie and growing way too fast. She's the youngest of what I call 'my' kiddos.
The rest of the weekend will be (hopefully) spent working on my novel. I'm only a few chapters shy of finishing it. I have 16 days until I can expect a response from Dream Agent. I'm thinking it's probably going to be a no-go though. Another on-line writing bud sent a partial at the same time I did and Dream Agent has already contacted my friend by phone to discuss the project and request a full. So... I think I'm probably out of the running, but I won't know for sure Until Feb. 12th. So I'm not giving up all hope yet.
I'll probably spend some time reading, I've got a new series by Annette Blair. I read the Kitchen Witch first. Very sassy, very cute. Currently I'm on book two, My Favorite Witch, and I'm having a hard time not ignoring everything just to read. Could be I'm just in the reading mode. Book three is the Scot, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I'm particularly looking forward to that one. Big brawny Scotsmen just can't be beat. I've got a definite weakness for them. Nerds and Scotsmen. Think I can find those two combined? A little Sean Connery meets David Krumholtz meets Braveheart? Hmmm. Probably not, Fantasy will have to do.
Have Fantabulous Weekend, ya'll.
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