I had another weird dream.
Okay, so this one wasn't scifi, but strange none the less. I dreamed my sister was getting married.
Wait - that's not the strange part.
It started out like a normal wedding. A large crowd at an outdoor wedding, the bridal party dressed in red satin on stage. The minister gave
the opening statements, then it was time for the special music. Suddenly, a chorus line of bridesmaids and groomsmen came dancing on stage in cream tuxes and dresses, singing and prancing like something out of A Chorus Line. They sang, danced, and twirled in and out of formation. They waved their bouquets and top hats. Then with a dramatic bow, they passed it on to the pianist in the corner.

There sat our mom along with the grooms mother. Mom was banging out the accompaniment and the two were singing with gusto, they hit their high note and tossed it over to another set of relatives. The solo parts flitted around line by line while the bridal party shimmied and shook.
A troop of fanfare trumpeters joined in, standing in a line behind the
dancers and waving their trumpets back and forth in unison. An old family friend popped up to sing her part, but forgot the words, so she ended up scatting a trippy little chorus of "ba bap a de whap sheelley sho do do..." She was actually pretty good. About that time one of the flags hanging from a trumpet flipped into the candelabra and caught fire. The trumpeter began frantically shaking and waving it to douse the flames.

Unfortunately that's about when I woke up, so I don't know how the rest of the number went, but let me tell you, other than the flaming trumpet, they could have done broadway.
I told Angel about the dream and (after she was done snorting) she asked where I was since I'm supposed to be maid of honor in the event this wedding takes place.
Well, I can say without a doubt I wasn't part of the performance. I have two left feet and can't twirl or shimmy without gasp or jiggle. I do remember thinking in the dream, "Wow, when did she plan this? This wasn't part of the wedding plans!"
I liked the bridesmaid dresses though.
1 comment:
That is hilarious! :)
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