How many of you can identify with that kid's song? ME! I can! It's been running through my head for days now. Only, I'm being swallowed by filing cabinets, and laundry and broken t.v.'s... . The list could just go on and on . I can't believe it's been this long since I posted, but Golly Gee! It's been a whang-bang few days.
Work has been elevated from a Rat Race to an all out Mad Dash for Disaster. If something could go wrong, it has. From computers crashing to equipment malfunctions and shorthanded staff. Friday, to ice my cake, we added ANOTHER filing cabinet to our office. Now, it's not that I didn't want or need it, I did. We were running out of room. But you have to understand what our office looks like.
I share this 10x12 cell with an office mate. He has two desks, I have one. His two desks are opposite each other, sandwiching his chair like a Oreo. My desk butts up against the desk facing me. I have two and half feet to roll my chair back before I hit the file room. Actually, it's just a row of filing cabinets (five now, to be exact) and a five shelf bookcase loaded with binders. I'm flanked by printers and filing trays have completely taken over one corner of my desk. I can't even hang a calendar, because the only wall space left available to me is actually a rock pillar. The path running beside our desks to the door is two feet wide (as long as my office mate hasn't left a filing drawer open. That shrinks the walk way significantly. And due to my absolutely inherent klutziness, I never see the drawer in time to keep from tripping over it or taking off a chunk of myself.)

Filing is my job for the most part and the bane of my existence in the accounting world, because we file EVERYTHING! It can get to be a feat of balance to file in the cabinet directly behind my desk, but I've learned to do the backbend and still get the files put away. As you can imagine, we're rather cramped. (Actually, to be honest, I think a clown car would be roomier, but I don't need any more office mates.)
So now that you have clear picture of how the layout goes, you'll understand my disbelief when my office mate told me he was feeling 'closed in' with the new filing cabinet in place. (Remember - him, two desks. Me - one, encased in a filing room.) I think you would agree that I had the right to laugh maniacally while repeating, "You feel closed in?

I was okay Friday though, despite our incredibly hectic day. Wanna know why? 'Cause "I got

SO, you'd think after all that, I'd be due an easy Monday. (Or at least a normally hectic one.) Nope the craziness continues. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. To make a long story short (I know, WAAAAYYYYY too late.) that is why (among other things), I haven't posted much lately.
Excuses, Excuses....
Just tryin' to keep up with the crazies,
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