Thursday, May 05, 2011

CFBA: The Alarmists by Don Hoesel

Song Stuck on the Brain: This is the Stuff by Francesca Battistelli

Today, I'm touring for Bethany House Publishers. They were kind enough to send me a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

The Alarmists
Bethany House (April 1, 2011)


Don Hoesel


This was an interesting take on the Mayan calendar end of the world theory. Although the author makes it clear that the theory is not valid in the opinion of the characters, it does play a strong roll in the high octane plot. A plot that was intricate, fast paced and very creative. The idea that there are multi-millionaires with power hungry desires isn't all that new, but the creative way they chose to use that power and funnell it into a massive plan to change the global economy and life as we know it, well that was just well planned. In fact it made me a little nervous, because as far fetched as it may seem, well, on second thought in this day and age maybe it's not so far fetched.

The characters were well drawn and I enjoyed the softer side represented in Colonel Richards, he wasn't just a tough as nails army leader, he had depth of character. Amy Maddigan was an easy fit as the love interest. The romance is mild and more of a flirtation toward a deeper relationship. I did find that Professor Michaels spiritual change was a little sudden and could have used a teensy bit more context at the end, but I also appreciated that the author didn't overwhelm the story with a heavy handed conversion experience. Some stories are better suited to that than others and I can see that a lighter touch was needed to balance the story and keep the pace. It's a tough line to walk for an author and although I'd have appreciated a little more detail, it didn't take away from my enjoyment of the story.

Overall, it was a definite hit for military suspense and action readers.

The 2012 phenomenon that's going viral around the globe has led sociology professor Jameson Richards to study the impact on society when, like the Y2K scare, 12/21/12 comes and goes with hardly a wrinkle.

This is the date that, according to the Mayan calendar, the doomsayers predict the world will end. Richards teams up with General Michaels, a scientist stationed at the Pentagon whose job it is to monitor the world's fanatics, keeping an eye out for potential terrorists. Together they uncover something sinister going on beneath the surface, linked to billionaire and media mogul Jeremy Maxwell, who also happens to be a huge manufacturer of weapons systems.

The 2012 date has captured Maxwell's attention too, and he's looking to cash in on the public's fear and paranoia. And what he instigates--along with his corrupt partners--nearly starts another war in the Middle East, while also bringing the world to its knees economically. It's up to the professor/general team to blow the whistle on Maxwell, hopefully in time to avert a major catastrophe.

If you would like to read the first chapter of The Alarmists, go HERE


Don Hoesel is a Web site designer for a Medicare carrier in Nashville, TN. He has a BA in Mass Communication from Taylor University and has published short fiction in Relief Journal. He was born and raised in Buffalo, NY but calls Spring Hill, Tennessee, with his wife and two children. The Alarmists is his third novel.

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